2013年9月5日 星期四

失效模式 - ARR & AFR

AFR ( Annualized Failure Rate ) 失效率的全年度平均數

AFR = 1-EXP ( -8760 / MTBF hrs )

AFR = [ 期間失效數 x ( 52W / 測試週數 ) ] / 期間母體總數

AFR = 8760 / MTBF

AFR 係以產品生產每天工作24小時,一年365天為計算基礎,亦即一年工作24×365 = 8,760小時為計算基礎。

AFR(%)一般以0.10為基點,AFR (%) = 0.10意謂一年故障0.10(%),或謂8,760小時之中每1,000件產品有1件故障。

如果由 AFR(%) 換算 MTBF (hrs),則因8,760小時之中每1,000件產品有1件故障。

失效模式 - 修定 ( Telcordia SR-332 Issue 3 )

Telcordia在2008年底所公布的SR-332 Issue 3 修定方向如下:

Issues that have been raised by the user community since the publication of Issue 2, which can potentially be addressed in Issue 3, include:
自从Issue 2出版后,使用者社群所提出的问题里,可能在Issue 3中被提出来作修订的包含下列项目

‧        Use of operating temperature for temperature effects on failure rate estimation,
‧        操作温度的使用,调整温度效应在失效率预估的影响
‧        Adjustment of failure rate estimates for RoHS compliance,
‧        调整通过RoHS承认组件的失效率
‧        Adjustment of failure rate estimates for surface mount technology,
‧        调整了SMT组件的失效率
‧        Adjustment of failure rates for derating,
‧        调整降额使用的失效率
‧        Revision of temperature and stress curve assignments for generic devices, and
‧        修订通用装置在温度与应力曲线的分配
‧        Revision of environmental factors in failure rate estimation.
‧        修订失效率预估中的环境因子

失效模式 - Bellcore & Telcordia

1) 关于公司:
 Bellcore 是 Telcordia 的前身,现在应该看不到 Bellcore了, 即使文件没有变化, 都将冠以 Telcordia,  即:Bellcore已经成为历史了。

2) 关于 TR-332 和 SR-332:  

SR-332 issue1_2001 取代了TR-332 Issue6
SR-332 issue1_2001:   This section contains the purpose and scope of the reliability prediction procedure and indicates changes from the previous issue (TR-332, Issue 6).
目前最新的版本是SR-332 Issue 2 _2006

3) 关于Telcordia文件的部分命名规则:

GR-Generic Requirements
SR-Special Reports
TR-Technical References
TA-Technical Advisories
FR-Family of Requirements
FD-Family of Documents
FA-Framework Advisories
ST-Science Technologies
MDP-Message Driven Program
NWT – Network
CORE - Common Requirement

失效模式 - MTBF 說明

Main Time Between Failure
1. Purpose : To forecast and evaluate new products shipped into channels
                      capable of   utility in normal condition.
2. Scope : New product development and 2nd source component .
3. Content : 3.1 MTBF Goal : According To Customer Request ( Ex : 25,000 hours ).
3.2 Confidence Level : ACTR ( Ex : 90% ).
3.3 Sample Size : According To Current Condition ( Ex : 10 UUT ).
3.4 Failure r = 0
                          MTBF = 1 / λ = Total time ( Test ) / Test Ratio

失效模式 - 概論

失效預估 (MTBF Prediction)』與『失效模擬 (MTBF Demonstration)』。

◎ MTBF Predication


◎ MTBF Demonstration


※ 常用規範:MIL、Bellcore。